
Lavender Araucana κότες αραουκάνα blue eggs - Οι πρόγονοι των σημερινών Araucana είναι οι κότες που είχε δημιουργήσει η ομώνυμη φυλή
των Ινδιάνων της Χιλής από δύο ράτσες της νοτίου Αμερικής, την Collonca (κολοβή κότα με γαλάζια αυγά και καθαρό πρόσωπο χωρίς φτερωτά μάγουλα) και την Quetro (κότα με ουρά, ροδοκάστανα αυγά και φτερωτά μάγουλα).Το βάρος τους δεν υπερβαίνει τα 2.3 κιλά για τον κόκορα και τα 1.9 κιλά για την κότα.Είναι σχετκά από τις σπάνιες ράτσες κότας και χαρακτηρίζονται από τα φτερωτά τους μάγουλα, την κολοβή τους ουρά και τα πράσινα αυγά τους.Τα αυγά τους έχουν ασυνήθιστο χρώμα πράσινο και θεωρούνται από μερικούς ότι έχουν χαμηλότερα τα ποσοστά χοληστερίνης, χωρίς βέβαια να ισχύει αυτό και ούτε είναι και επιστημονικά αποδεδειγμένο.

Choose a Lavender Araucana for perfect baby blue eggs for at least five years. The eggs are small to medium sized. Araucana's make great family pets. They are easy to tame, very friendly, and hardy chickens. They are rather quirky chickens. Their voice is quite gruff and croaky. They sport a pea comb and fluffy head feathers that cover their eyes. This is officially called a crest, which they enjoying dunking in water. Their plumage is lavender in colour and they have a short fantail. What a beautiful chicken!

Origin: Chile is the home of the Araucana as a breed and the lavender variant was first bred by George Malcolm in Scotland in the 1930’s.

Classification: Light: Soft feather Egg Colour: Blue or green
General Characteristics:
Carriage: Alert and active.
Type: Body is long and deep, free from heaviness. Back is moderately long and horizontal. Wings are large and strong. Tail is well developed with full sickles carried at an angle of 45o. Head: Moderately small. Beak is strong and stout. Eyes are bold. Comb small pea. Face covered with thick muffling and ear muffs abundant. Crest compact and carried well back from the eyes. Ear-lobes moderately small and concealed by muffling. Wattles absent. Neck: Of medium length abundantly furnished with hackle feathers. Legs & Feet: Medium length, strong and well apart legs. Shanks are free from feathers. Four straight and well spread toes.

Colour: An even shade of blue-grey throughout.

Weight: Large Fowl

Male: Not less than (2.7-3.2kg) Female: Not less than (2.25-2.7kg)

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