
This is the moment a tiger tamer was mauled mid-act at a circus in Spain. Ο τίγρης επιτέθηκε στον θηριοδαμαστή και παραλίγο να τον κατασπαράξει. Τελικά ο θηριοδαμαστής κατάφερε να απεγκλωβιστεί με την παρέμβαση κάποιου άλλου θηριοδαμαστή.

This is the moment a tiger tamer was mauled mid-act at a circus in Spain.

Hundreds of spectators could only stare in shock as the beast pounced on Danny Gottani's back and tried to rip him apart.

Mobile phone footage filmed by an audience member on Friday shows the big cat slashing at the 35-year-old's throat, legs and back.

Circus workers sprinted into the ring with sticks to try and fend off the animal. Gottani, part of the family who'd just set up the Gottani Circus in the Aluche neighbourhood of Madrid, was then rushed to hospital.

He's currently being treated for his injuries, which doctors believe are non life-threatening as they did not affect his vital organs.

The tamer's 60-year-old mother, who was watching the show from the audience, also needed urgent medical attention after suffering a severe panic attack

Spanish media reports that the circus was stopped so Gottani could be removed from the ring. But it re-started again shortly after. The Gottani Circus website reveals the tamer had been working with tigers since he was 18-years-old.

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